The Secret Behind Purchase Clicks: Psychology in Marketing

Have you ever wondered why some people easily make online purchases while others are more hesitant? The answer lies in PSYCHOLOGY. Understanding customer psychology is the key to success in Marketing. Below is a list of psychological tips that can be applied when creating content.

1. Scarcity Psychology:

  • Example: Slogans like "Only 2 items left" or "Offer ends in 24 hours" create a sense of urgency, encouraging customers to buy immediately to avoid missing out.
  • Application: Create limited editions or short-term promotions to stimulate purchase demand.

2. Social Proof Psychology:

  • Example: Displaying the number of buyers, positive customer reviews, and certifications from trusted organizations.
  • Application: Use review widgets, purchase counts, or success stories from other customers to build credibility.

3. Contrast Psychology:

  • Example: Place a high-priced product next to a lower-priced one to make the cheaper item more attractive.
  • Application: Compare your product with higher-priced or lower-quality products to highlight its advantages.

4. Ownership Psychology:

  • Example: Allowing customers to experience a product for free (e.g., a trial version) creates a feeling of partial ownership.
  • Application: Organize free trials or offer gifts with purchases to foster a sense of attachment.

5. Convenience Psychology:

  • Example: Providing multiple payment methods, fast shipping, and easy return policies.
  • Application: Optimize the purchasing process and reduce barriers to make it easier for customers to buy.

6. Pleasure Psychology:

  • Example: Using beautiful images, captivating videos, and interesting stories to grab the customer’s attention.
  • Application: Create unique and creative content to leave a lasting impression on customers.

7. Charity Psychology:

  • Example: Allowing customers to donate a small portion to charity when making a purchase.
  • Application: Run social contribution programs to foster a positive brand image.

8. Curiosity Psychology:

  • Example: Creating questions or mysteries to spark customers' curiosity.
  • Application: Use words like "secret", "exclusive", or "only for..." to create intrigue.

9. Similarity Psychology:

  • Example: Finding commonalities with customers to create a connection.
  • Application: Use language and visuals that resonate with your target audience.


  • Understand their needs: Customers don’t just buy products; they buy solutions to their problems. Put yourself in their shoes and understand what they are seeking.
  • Build trust: Customers will only buy from those they trust. Build a professional image, share useful knowledge, and always be honest.
  • Tell stories: Stories have magical power. Tell stories about the product, about people who have used it, and the results they’ve achieved.
  • Create scarcity: When a product becomes scarce, people tend to want it immediately. Subtly create a feeling of "selling out soon" or "limited availability".
  • Optimize the shopping experience: Interact with customers, make it easy for them to find products, pay, and receive their purchases.
  • Clear call-to-action: Don’t leave customers wondering what to do next. Provide clear and attractive calls to action. For example: "Buy now at a discounted price!"
  • Test and improve: Continuously monitor and analyze the effectiveness of your campaigns to make appropriate adjustments.

CASE STUDY: TV Sales Strategy of Brand A

Objective: Brand A wants to boost sales of medium-sized TVs, which are of good quality but affordable.

Applying Contrast Psychology:

  • Product Arrangement:
    • Place the medium-sized TV (Model AA) next to a large, high-resolution TV with many smart features but at double the price.
    • Also, place the AA TV next to a small TV with poor image quality and a cheaper price.
  • Technical Specifications Comparison:
    • Comparison with premium TVs: Highlight the strengths of the medium-sized TV, such as good picture quality and basic features that meet daily entertainment needs, while emphasizing its much lower price.
    • Comparison with cheaper TVs: Emphasize the differences in image quality, durability, and smart features, so customers understand why the medium-sized TV is priced slightly higher.
  • Create Promotional Packages:
    • "Experience Upgrade" package: When purchasing the medium-sized TV, customers receive a free soundbar or Bluetooth speaker to enhance sound quality.
    • "Super Long Warranty" package: Customers enjoy a 3-year warranty, creating peace of mind when buying.

Combining other factors to increase conversion rate:

  • Create scarcity: "Only 10 medium-sized TVs left at this special price" or "Promotion valid until..."
  • Leverage social proof: Display positive reviews from customers who have bought the product and reviews from trusted websites.
  • Tell a story: Share a story about a family that bought this TV and was very satisfied with its quality.
  • Enhance shopping experience: The sales staff are professionally trained and ready to consult and support customers.


By applying this strategy, the store successfully increased sales of medium-sized TVs. Customers were satisfied with the product and service, and were willing to recommend it to friends and family.

Other examples:

  • Mobile Phones: Place a high-end phone with strong specs next to a mid-range phone with an attractive design and reasonable price.
  • Refrigerators: Compare a high-end side-by-side refrigerator with a large-capacity top-freezer refrigerator at a reasonable price.
  • Laptops: Place a powerful gaming laptop next to a lightweight, affordable office laptop.

Contrast psychology is a powerful tool that helps businesses increase sales. By cleverly comparing your product with others, you can highlight its strengths and attract customers. However, for the best results, contrast psychology should be combined with other factors like social proof, scarcity creation, and providing a great shopping experience.

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